What’s your role within JK?
For those of you familiar with Charlies Angels, I am to J K what Charlie is to the Angels. I’m always working away in the background but never seen ( why would anyone want to see me rather than the J K Girls?!). The girls don’t really know what I do, but I can tell you that it’s mainly working in the areas of company law and taxation – but that’s a secret so don’t tell them!
Tell us a bit about your background?
I qualified as a chartered accountant in the 1980’s and then started my own CA practice. By absorbing as much knowledge as possible from people much clever than me, I was able to help clients build better businesses and, in turn, grow mine into one of the biggest single partner firms in the country. This allowed me to “retire” early from the stresses of running a business, but I enjoy the actual work far too much to give it up altogether – so here I am!
How do you like to spend your weekends now that we aren’t locked down?
I’m a masochistic football fan following teams that seldom win such as Dundee United, Newcastle United, and Scotland. ( At least the latter gets me into some unusual and interesting countries). And I play too much tennis, but I only ever remember it’s too much the next day when my body hurts.
Who or what inspires you?
People with a positive outlook and a “can do” attitude. I really admire people who can smile during the ordinaries of life.
What values drive you?
Helping the little guy. I’ve always been more interested in working with people than working for corporations. Small business owners put so much on the line, and so much into their businesses, they deserve all the help they can get.
Read anything good recently?
It’s not recently but I believe every business owner should read The E-myth by Michael Gerber. It can be life-changing and was for me.
What’s your tipple of choice?
I mostly drink wine, but I enjoy a few beers too. It depends on the occasion.